The Uncomfortable Aquiescence: the Salamanca School and the Origins of Liberal Capitalism


  • Silverio Zebral Filho Escuela de Gobierno de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA)



Salamanca School, Late Scholasticism, Modernity, Capitalism, Liberalism


The article revisits the hypothesis that the economic thought produced by doctors and moral philosophers gathered at the School of Sa­lamanca as a precursor of modern capitalism begins by characterizing the Spain of the 14th century—the so-called Spanish Golden Age —in the field of great social, political, economic—and above all, moral—transformations driven by great navigations, discoveries in the West Indies, metalism and the beginnings of mercantile capitalism in Continental Europe. In counterpoint to the interpretation advocated by the Austrian School of Economics, it pre­sents historiographic, sociological and cultural objections to the interpreta­tion of Salamanca’s thought as “proto-capitalist”, contrasting the ancient and modern notions about morality, good, man, the ends, virtue, work, freedom, responsibility and justice.


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How to Cite

Zebral Filho, S. (2020). The Uncomfortable Aquiescence: the Salamanca School and the Origins of Liberal Capitalism. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 3(1-2), 11–39.


