The Dynamic and Righteous Use of Wealth in James 5:1-6


  • Todd Scacewater Dallas International University



James 5:1-6, wealth, poverty, missue of wealth, Christianity


The Epistle of James contains three sections on the rich and the poor. In 5:1–6, James condemns rich landowners for oppressing their poor workers. Interacting with Jewish teachings on the proper use of wealth, James promotes an alternative to the misuse of resources by the wealthy whom he addresses. James’s vision for the use of our resources is that they must be used dynamically and fairly; and with greater urgency as we approach «the last days», and with a concern for the love of our neighbors. Several ways are suggested to use money in this manner.


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How to Cite

Todd Scacewater. (2023). The Dynamic and Righteous Use of Wealth in James 5:1-6. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 6(2), 159–177.