Myth, Truth and Reason in Political Philosophy: The Case of Populism


  • Alejandra Salinas UNTREF/UCA



myth, truth, reason, Laclau, populism


This work explores the relationship between myth, truth and reason in philosophical theories regarding the nature and purpose of the political community. We first offer a philosophical framework of reference, followed by an analysis of the thought of Ernesto Laclau, the main philosopher of populism. Laclau analyzes the Marxist myth and the liberal myth; he discards the first for being totalitarian and rationalist, and the second for being individualist and institutionalist. In contrast, he offers a populist theory of myth based on psychoanalytic and discursive categories, far removed from considerations about truth and reason. However, as some Catholic thinkers point out, a vision of truth and reason that remains at the level of myth, runs the risk of promoting irrationality and conflict in politics.


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How to Cite

Salinas, A. (2023). Myth, Truth and Reason in Political Philosophy: The Case of Populism. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 6(2), 139–157.