The Guatemalan Social Reality Lexicon in Peace Agreements


  • Guillermina Herrera Peña Academia Guatemalteca de la Lengua



language, identity, parresia, racism, classism, democracy, stereotypes, prejudices, ladino, indigenous


The essay analyzes the lexicon related to the social reality of Guatemala in the context of the signing of the Peace Accords, as it appears in the dramatic work El jurado de las cuatro grandes, by Eugenia Gallardo, premiered in 1999, the same year in which the Popular Consultation was held to approve or reject the changes promoted by the Agreements. The analysis reflects a fragmented society, in which autophobia and a kind of social schizophrenia are frequent. Through the speech of the characters, it starkly portrays the social dynamics that occurred in those times, when the sectors that signed the Agreements proposed the establishment of a new social pact for post-war Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Herrera Peña, G. (2022). The Guatemalan Social Reality Lexicon in Peace Agreements. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 5(1), 31–59.