Community and Modern State in Bertrand de Jouvenel and Wolfgang Reinhard


  • Gabriele Ciampini Independiente



State, Jouvenel, Reinhard, democracy, bureaucracy


This paper will focus on the genesis of the modern European State in contemporary liberal theories, to analyze the relationship between individual freedom and State power. The aim is to examine the thinking of two liberal authors who have dealt with this topic: Bertrand de Jouvenel and Wolfgang Reinhard. In Du Pouvoir (1945), Jouvenel traces the history of European politics in an attempt to show how the power of the State has grown over time, undermining individual freedom. Reinhard holds in his work Geschichte der Staatsgewalt (1999, History of State Power, own translation) a thesis very similar to that of Jouvenel. He compares the welfare State and the totalitarian State: intense State activity permeates every aspect of human life, not only in totalitarianism, but also in democratic systems. This situation is presented as the direct result of the formation of modern democracies and the identification of the citizen with the State as a nation.


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Author Biography

Gabriele Ciampini, Independiente

Doctor en Ciencias Históricas y Sociales por la Universidad de Florencia conjuntamente con la Universidad Paris-Sorbonne (París IV). Cuenta con una maestría en Filosofía Política por la Universidad de Pisa. Su interés de investigación es la teoría de la democracia. Ha presentado sus trabajos en algunas conferencias internacionales, como el «Mancept Workshop on Political Theory» y la «European Consortium for Political Research General Conference».



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How to Cite

Ciampini, G. (2021). Community and Modern State in Bertrand de Jouvenel and Wolfgang Reinhard. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 4(2), 157–167.


