Human Action: from Economic Development to Integral Human Development.


  • Cecilia G. de Vazquez Ger Instituto Acton - Argentina



Human action , Ludwig Von Mises, Economic development, Human development


A few years ago, I received an invitation to participate in a meeting with young people where they proposed to talk about human action as the foundation of economic development. I was surprised by the name since the first two words are the same ones that appear in the title of a book that I deeply respect, and that I keep with special affection: The treatise on Economics by the great Austrian thinker Ludwig Von Mises, Human Action. Today I owe to this text that I have learned to look at the socioeconomic order in a way that is so different from the way I had done in college. In addition, this book was the bridge of dialogue with another world of interests that accompanied me at that time, and that would define another north to which I would dedicate myself in different ways until today.


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Gregg Samuel (2015). Fundamentos morales y económicos de la Economía de Mercado. Buenos Aires: Biblioteca Instituto Acton.

Mises L. von (1980). Acción Humana. Madrid: Unión Editorial.

Termes R. (2001). Antropología del Capitalismo. Madrid: Rialp.

Zanotti G. (2004). Fundamentos filosóficos y epistemológicos de la pra-xeología. Tucumán: Unsta.

Zanotti G. (2009). La economía de la Acción Humana. Madrid: Unión Editorial.

Zanotti G. (2010). El método de la Economía Política. Buenos Aires: Bi-blioteca Instituto Acton.

Zanotti G. (2016). Antropología filosófica cristiana y economía de mercado. Buenos Aires: Biblioteca Instituto Acton.



How to Cite

de Vazquez Ger, C. G. (2018). Human Action: from Economic Development to Integral Human Development. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 1(1), 89–100.


