Of Women's Work in a Really Prosperous Society.


  • Karen Cancinos Universidad Francisco Marroquín - Guatemala




Worked, Capital, Feminism, Culture, Progress


Underlying Western thought is the idea that work dignifies, as it is a private activity of the human being. Animals act but do not work. The way in which they organize themselves to accumulate provisions, hunt, migrate, responds to natural instinct. A lion cub will hunt when it reaches adulthood: its nature determines what it will do: its behavior is predictable. It is not known, however, what a baby of a few months will do when it reaches adulthood. It has a potential nature, with a capacity for reasoning, inquiry and interiority. But unlike a lion cub, not everything he becomes will depend on his innate abilities alone: ​​the baby in question will grow up in a particular culture. It will work, not merely act. What that work consists of is not determined, although it will be influenced by a myriad of factors, both innate (vocational) and acquired (societal).


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How to Cite

Cancinos, K. (2018). Of Women’s Work in a Really Prosperous Society. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 1(1), 109–127. https://doi.org/10.55614/27093824.v1i1.6


