Democracy and Liberty in the Political Theory of Alexis de Tocqueville and Luigi Sturzo.


  • Flavio Felice Universidad de Molise di Campobasso



Polyarchy , Pluriarchy , Substantial , Procedural , Democracy


Starting from the provocative theme of the «Risk of freedom», the author crosses the formal-substantial dichotomy with the institutional-social one, using the contribution of Alexis de Tocqueville and Luigi Sturzo, respectively, in relation to the «principle of association» and of « plurarchy-polyarchy” as institutional expressions in which the exercise of freedom is carried out and their passion for it is manifested. With this article we intend to underline the connection between «passion» and «risk» of freedom, pointing out that in an open society the greatest «risk» that freedom implies is that people abdicate their role as sovereign citizens and resign to be free, hand over the scepter to too many "masanielli" who, in the name of the people, have presented the pretense of governing it like a shepherd who governs his flock.


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How to Cite

Felice, F. (2019). Democracy and Liberty in the Political Theory of Alexis de Tocqueville and Luigi Sturzo. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 2(2), 37–53.


