Democracy, Sovereignty and Populism.

Some teachings of Italian liberalism.


  • Alberto Giordano Universidad de Génova



Sovereignty , People , Elites, Populism , Liberalism


In recent years, different studies have been carried out on the possible regulatory aspects of the populist theory of democracy and constitutionalism, as well as on its profoundly anti-liberal character. And it is precisely on the last point that I will concentrate in this brief essay, during which I will try to argue that the study of the populist phenomenon could benefit from some reflections formulated by the main liberal-oriented Italian political thinkers of the second half of the 20th century, committed to outline a model of constitutional democracy capable of overcoming the limits of the classic approach to the subject of popular sovereignty and implementing an order characterized by a correct dialectic between people and elites.


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How to Cite

Giordano, A. (2019). Democracy, Sovereignty and Populism.: Some teachings of Italian liberalism. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 2(2), 55–70.


