Liberal Liberalism vs. Statist Liberalism in the Anglo-Saxon Tradition.


  • Alejandra Martínez Cánchica Universidad Central de Venezuela



State , Locke , Hobbes , Hayek , Liberalism


This essay refers to the tension in the history of Anglo-Saxon political thought, between liberal liberalism, which sees the State as a threat that must be limited; and a statist liberalism that conceives the State as a means to materialize the so-called «Project of Enlightened Modernity». This dialectic has forged the political struggle from at least the seventeenth century to the present.


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How to Cite

Martínez Cánchica, A. (2019). Liberal Liberalism vs. Statist Liberalism in the Anglo-Saxon Tradition. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 2(2), 89–100.


