Thought, Freedom and Rebellion.


  • Carmen Camey Marroquín Universidad del Istmo de Guatemala



Eichmann, Freedom, Critical thinking, Awareness


To speak of freedom of conscience is to enter a field where legality, morality and politics come into contact. This paper tries to clarify this relationship a little by delving into the elements that constitute freedom of conscience and those that make valid, and even in certain cases encourage, civil disobedience. The relationship that these elements have with critical thinking will also be deepened. We will do so by taking Hannah Arendt's reflections on totalitarianism and the Eichmann case. When speaking of freedom of conscience, positions such as conscientious objection and civil disobedience will also be taken into account, as a paralegal action that is conceptually comparable to conscientious objection.


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How to Cite

Camey Marroquín, C. (2019). Thought, Freedom and Rebellion. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 2(1), 11–26.


