Human Knowledge and the Science of God.


  • Enrique Moros Claramunt la Universidad de Navarra



Encyclical Fides et ratio, Transcendent aspirations, Human reason, Christian life


Twenty years after the publication of the encyclical Fides et ratio, I describe some of its lines of force in the introduction. The core of the encyclical is the definition of man as a seeker of truth and how philosophy intervenes in human life. But the human being has many and diverse knowledge and is dedicated to multiple activities, in addition to knowing. Among the most important ways of knowing today is the scientific enterprise. But science is a highly specialized task with a decisive influence on our existence. Hence, two questions arise: how to incorporate scientific knowledge in constant change in the established routine of common knowledge that allows us to build a life with meaning and shared with other men? And, secondly, what is the role played by naturalism, common among science popularizers, in the daily lives of human beings? It is argued that without the opening of philosophy towards what is transcendent to the human being, he cannot find meaning in his own existence.


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How to Cite

Moros Claramunt, E. (2018). Human Knowledge and the Science of God. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 1(2), 121–148.


