Reason and Faith: How the Christian Mind is Cultivated.


  • Gonzalo Chamorro Universidad Francisco Marroquín



Christianity, Crises of faith , Decline of culture


The spirit of anti-intellectualism of a pragmatic and utilitarian nature that distinguishes contemporary nations is the faithful reflection of a society that no longer asks for the truth, but for the result. We must recognize that Christianity has not been exempt from this reality. The lack of intellectual curiosity challenges us to remember the importance of reasoning our faith. This article will analyze, as an outline, the crisis of faith and the decline of culture as two elements that are undermining what it means to be human. And it will present theologically the foundation of reason and faith as two inseparable conceptions.


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How to Cite

Chamorro, G. (2018). Reason and Faith: How the Christian Mind is Cultivated. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 1(2), 185–198.


