Correct Catholic Blindness


  • Samuel Gregg Acton Institute - Estados Unidos



investment, regimen, politics, religion


"See, judge, act.” Such has been the method by which modern Catholic social teaching has urged Catholics to approach the political and economic challenges of our time. First and foremost, the “seeing” involves looking with the eyes of Christ rather than through the prism of our own ideology. But seeing inevitably entails choices concerning what we look at and the breadth and depth of what we take into account. In that respect, alas, the field of vision of modern Catholic social doctrine appears to have been far more limited than often is realized, and so it is less effective in helping Catholics and other Christians address many economic issues, ranging from Europe’s bleak unemployment prospects to poverty in the developing world.


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Catholic Church., & John, P. (1991). Centesimus annus: Encyclical letter addressed by the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II to his venerable brothers in the episcopate, the priests and deacons, families of men and women religious, all the Christian faithful and to all men and women of good will on the hundredth anniversary of Rerum novarum. Editions Paulines.

Catholic Church., & Benedict, P. (2009). Caritas in veritate: On integral human development in charity and truth : encyclical letter of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI. CCCB Publications.

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World Bank (2013). Doing Business 2014: Understanding Regulations for Small and Medium-Size Enterprises. World Bank Group.



How to Cite

Gregg, S. (2018). Correct Catholic Blindness. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 1(1), 23–35.


