The Indigenista Revolution is Advancing in All the Nations of the Americas


  • Eugenio Trujillo Villegas Sociedad Colombiana Tradición y Acción



Indigenismo, Christian Civilization, Cultural Marxism, liberation theology, Catholic Church


Conflict with indigenous populations has broken out in all the countries of America. It began in 1992 with the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Discovery and with the founding of the São Paulo Forum in 1990. In reality, it is a project of cultural Marxism, with universal scope, which aims to present the indigenous system of life as the ideal of the society of the future, along with the imposition of a radical socialist system. The goal is to abolish private property, end consumer society and convert the remains of Christian Civilization into a system ruled by a tyranny imposed by gurus, religious shamans and dictators. 


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Consejo Indígena Misionero. (Julio-agosto de 1975). Debate a la situación indígena a nivel nacional. Boletín del CIMI, Año 4(No. 22).

Correa de Oliveira, P. (2008). Tribalismo indígena, ideal comuno-misionero para el siglo XXI. Artpress.

Foro de São Paulo. (s.f.). Breve historial y fundamentos.

Trujillo Villegas, E. (2022a). La extorsión indigenista. Ediciones Tradición y Acción.

Trujillo Villegas, E. (8 de enero de 2022b). La extorsión indigenista. Agencia Boa Prensa.



How to Cite

Trujillo Villegas, E. (2023). The Indigenista Revolution is Advancing in All the Nations of the Americas. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 6(2), 179–196.