Science and Faith in the Origin of the Universe, Life and Man.


  • Nicolás Jouve de la Barreda Universidad de Alcalá



Science and faith, Origin of the universe, Life of man, Science and Religion


The human being, the only self-aware living being capable of asking questions, seeks an explanation for his origin and the meaning of the world in which he lives. For this, it relies on the «humanistic sciences», such as philosophy, theology and the «experimental sciences». A sense of transcendence nests in man that helps him make sense of the existence of everything and at the same time tries to unravel and relate the causes of what happens in nature with its effects. Both fields have their specific methods of analysis and under the «principle of demarcation», their own spheres of action are delimited. Science and religion do not overlap or contradict each other, but complement each other to satisfy the big questions. Science allows us to explain the how of natural phenomena while religion gives us an explanation of the purpose and meaning of the world. After analyzing the way in which the study of the reality of the world around us should be approached, in this chapter we focus on the current data on the origin of the universe, life and human life. In conclusion, we affirm the idea that from the appearance of matter and its evolution to the appearance of man, with his evident differences with the rest of the creatures, everything is a  product of the logos foreseen by the Creator.


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How to Cite

de la Barreda, N. J. (2018). Science and Faith in the Origin of the Universe, Life and Man. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 1(2), 55–71.


