Being or Belonging: A False Dilemma


  • Vanessa Kaiser



being, world as artifice, spirit, freedom, community, plurality, collectivism, ideology


Our common world is forged in values, principles, customs, morals, habits and institutions, but entrenched in the same roots, we find falsehoods that interweave, straining and sometimes fracturing our relationship with ourselves and with each other. One of these is the dilemma that has arisen from a type of community membership that overrides the self or the realization of the self at the cost of the survival of the community. Summarized, the tension is between the individual and the community. In this article we take it upon ourselves to show, from Hannah Arendt's point of view, the falsity of this dilemma. In her words: «Being is obscure if it does not come to appearance (before men: dokein), and appearance (before men) is weak if it does not come to being» (Arendt, 2002b, p. 29).


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Arendt, H. (1996). La condición humana. Paidós.

Arendt, H. (1997). La promesa de la política. Paidós.

Arendt, H. (2002a). Diario filosófico. Herder. (Originalmente publicado en 1955).

Arendt, H. (2002b). La vida del espíritu. Paidós.

Arendt, H. (2008). La promesa de la política. Paidós.

Arendt, H. (2011). Los orígenes del totalitarismo. Alianza Editorial.



How to Cite

Kaiser, V. (2023). Being or Belonging: A False Dilemma. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 6(2), 83–104.