Lord Acton: Limitation of power and majorities to preserve freedom


  • Alvaro Iriarte Baron Instituto Res Publica




Acton, power, limitation of power, majorities, Freedom


Lord Acton's thought has been little studied considering the reality in Latin America, especially the new challenges that freedom faces at the hands of 21st century socialism and populist authoritarianism. In his dissertations, essays, and letters it is possible to find a skepticism regarding the exercise of power, and in modern logic, the need to limit the power of the State as a political organization of the community to protect freedom and avoid the tendency of power to corruption. From his conception of freedom, and its relationship with religion, it is possible to find the foundations for a theory of power limitation, especially in the face of the tyranny of the majority that can be developed in a democratic society.


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How to Cite

Iriarte Baron, A. (2023). Lord Acton: Limitation of power and majorities to preserve freedom. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 6(2), 63–81. https://doi.org/10.55614/27093824.v6i2.172