Human Flourishing and Social Fructification

Virtues and Evolution


  • Enrique Esteban Arduino Fundación Club de la Libertad



flourishing, eudaimonia, fruitfulness, equity, freedom, progress, property, education, ignorance


Although there was a human flourishing that is evident, it is important to determine what conditions led to individual eudaimonia since ancient times and how this phenomenon contributes to lay the foundations of a virtuous social development that contributes to the progress of humanity. This essay is based on Greco-Roman philosophical developments, Judeo-Christian teachings and Solomonic legends, the basis of Masonic teachings. It attempts to confirm the occurrence of human flourishing, social fructification and the causes that originated them.

It is notorious, however, that human flourishing and social fructification did not occur in the same proportion: there is still work to be done. Although the vector of growth was and is positive, it can easily change direction, especially ideologically, if the effort is not continuous and sustained. This allows the imposition of ideas contrary to personal and social eudaimonia, to property and freedom, inalienable rights of each individual, the result of his effort and work.


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How to Cite

Arduino, E. E. (2023). Human Flourishing and Social Fructification : Virtues and Evolution. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 6(1), 15–31.