Where are you? Notes for An Economic Theology for The XXI Century


  • Manuel Antonio Jiménez Castillo Universidad Católica de Pereira




atheism, development, spirit, messianism


The modern world has not ended religion; it has only reconfigured the public exercise of faith. The difficulty of sustaining oneself as a man of faith is determined by an interrupted human nature very typical of our new anthropological identity. God does not appear in those acts that the Church fixed for centuries but in the social substance of the individual. Trade, and therefore economic development, is a state where the divine will is recreated and in its exercise connects us with that faith that we believed abandoned.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Castillo , M. A. (2023). Where are you? Notes for An Economic Theology for The XXI Century . Revista Fe Y Libertad, 6(1), 77–86. https://doi.org/10.55614/27093824.v6i1.161