Of the language and narrative of the third world in Latin America


  • David Orrego 2983578361801




language, individual freedom, social narratives, progress, third world


Language is a social institution that characterizes each nation in its own internal constitution of seeing and understanding its own existence in relation to others. The unit of analysis is the individual, and his awareness of his being within an objective and concrete reality develops to the extent that he is more or less aware of his value as a subject in society through language. The own criteria that you exercise in the face of positive and negative domination and interference will be crucial to living in a society of free and responsible people. His experience is what determines the sensitivity of living his dreams, of understanding that he exists as a being with a purpose, and that the society in which he develops should only be the trigger for his own self-realization. However, contemporary sophists have prevented the individual from thinking autonomously, and therefore, through the corruption and flattery of language, a Republic of words and not people have been created.


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How to Cite

Orrego, D. (2022). Of the language and narrative of the third world in Latin America. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 5(2), 161–178. https://doi.org/10.55614/27093824.v5i2.145