The Imprint of Cádiz in the Captaincy General of Guatemala


  • Alejandro Gómez Universidad del CEMA



Constitution of Cádiz, independence, liberalism, federalism, Constitution of 1824


The independence of Central America and its subsequent institutional organization is a process that began long before September 15, 1821. This paper is an introduction to the influence that the Cádiz Constitution of 1812 had on the actions of the patriots of the region and how they took that document as a guide to organize the institutions of the recently independent nation. How the dilemma between their ideals and the factual possibilities of implementing them operated in the patriots. In what way, the new political geography conditioned the actions of the constituents and their ideas on the institutional organization the country.


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How to Cite

Gómez, A. (2022). The Imprint of Cádiz in the Captaincy General of Guatemala. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 5(2), 14–33.

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