In Search of Identity: Dealing with One's Own Strangeness


  • Javier Pérez Wever Universidad del Istmo de Guatemala



Zygmunt Bauman, identity, stranger, liquid modernity


This article focuses on Zygmunt Bauman's sociological analysis of the absence of identity experienced by people in today's life due to the changing social conditions experienced in what he has called "liquid modernity". This lack of identity already has a tradition of sociological analysis under the category of the "foreigner" or the "stranger" begun by Georg Simmel. Bauman takes this tradition and explains what the condition of the stranger entails today and how an identity is sought with the tools and means available to individuals.


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How to Cite

Pérez Wever, J. (2022). In Search of Identity: Dealing with One’s Own Strangeness. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 5(1), 127–146.