Religion, Rights and Meaning: A Libertarian Natural Right as the Basis for Overlapping Consensus


  • Felipe Schwember Universidad del Desarrollo



libertarianism, natural right, meaning, religion, overlapping consensus


This paper explores Nozick’s conjecture that the foundation of individual rights is connected to the problem of the meaning of life. I will argue that this conjecture means that political freedom is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition of the meaning of life. The limited scope of the connection between freedom and meaning allows two things: first, to hold that Nozick’s conjecture could be the subject of what Rawls calls an “overlapping consensus” and, second, to impose certain restrictions on the political claims of religions or other comprehensive doctrines. However, at the same time, I will argue that the connection between freedom and meaning opens a space for dialogue between liberalism and religions and other reasonable comprehensive doctrines. This space for dialogue, sustained by reason, defines a form of deontological natural law appropriate for a plural society, whose citizens recognize themselves as free and equal.


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Author Biography

Felipe Schwember , Universidad del Desarrollo

Investigador de la Universidad del Desarrollo. Licenciado en Derecho y en Filosofía por la Universidad Católica de Chile. Doctor en Filosofía, Universidad de Navarra. Sus áreas de especialización son la filosofía política moderna (Locke, Kant y Fichte) y contemporánea (Nozick). Ha investigado acerca de la crítica y recepción de las utopías en el liberalismo contemporáneo. Es autor del libro Libertad, derecho y propiedad. El fundamento de la propiedad en la filosofía del derecho de Kant y Fichte (Georg Olms, 2013). Ha publicado diversos artículos en revistas especializadas y ha resultado ganador del XIV concurso de Ensayos «Caminos de la libertad», México.


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How to Cite

Schwember , F. (2021). Religion, Rights and Meaning: A Libertarian Natural Right as the Basis for Overlapping Consensus. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 4(2), 115–135.


