Pope Francis and Money


  • Carroll Rios de Rodriguez Instituto Fe y Libertad - Guatemala




intercambio, interés común, mercados, función social


This article tries to show that money is an institution that fulfills a valuable social function; among other things, it allows us to carry out voluntary exchanges in less time and with less effort (Cole, 2001). It emerges spontaneously in the history of humanity. Abolishing money would mean reverting to archaic barter, with high social costs. However, Pope Francis is right in that the regulation of the money and banking markets can, on occasion, make it difficult for individuals and families to make decisions regarding their savings, purchases and investments, by generating uncertainty or reducing the purchasing power of the owners of money, or by raising the costs of participation in the markets.


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How to Cite

Rios de Rodriguez, C. (2018). Pope Francis and Money. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 1(1), 53–70. https://doi.org/10.55614/27093824.v1i1.10


