Science and Religion: Two Paths in Search of Truth.
Science and Religion, Search for the truth, Religious experience, Human beingAbstract
Scientific inquiry and religious experience are two ways that the concrete human being, in the exercise of his autonomy, can incorporate in his vital attitude of approaching reality. Two attitudes of the free human being to configure a worldview, a reference scheme to interpret the world and their existence within it. Science is also open to the unexpected, in fact, in the scientific transition of the 20th century, the scientific vision went from showing a deterministic reality to an indeterminate world, characterized by a complexity that is difficult to grasp. The believer's attitude poses a world of experiences, based on permanent deepening, in search of the meaning of his life. The article proposes three ways to advance in the science-religion dialogue: (i) delve into what the search for scientific truth and openness to transcendence have in common, (ii) incorporate the proposals of believers in a society cosmovisively neutral, through the cooperative translation of religious content (Habermas), and (iii) articulate a dialogue seeking any hint of truth and good that we can find within our society.
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