The Moral Hazard of Doing Good


  • Armando de la Torre Universidad Francisco Marroquín - Guatemala



state, economy, revolution, faith


The world of humans has changed a lot in the last two millennia due to the initiative and diligence of humans themselves. Urban civilization has already spread today for the first time to all corners of the planet, and plans are even being made to extend it artificially to the Moon and Mars. Likewise, they are the two millennia decisively marked by Christianity and successive social, political and economic revolutions derived from it. What some French authors have wanted to include in the concept of "l'acceleration historique". And yet, we wisely seek to uphold the unchanging principles of the Judeo-Christian faith in all areas of our ever-changing daily lives. For this reason, I believe, it is convenient to critically examine the validity of certain ethical premises derived from such immutable principles in the specialized area, preferably the economic one, both in the voluntary ones of the market and among the obligatory ones of the State.


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How to Cite

de la Torre, A. (2018). The Moral Hazard of Doing Good. Revista Fe Y Libertad, 1(1), 71–88.


